The Self-made Pantry.
“One who plants a garden, plants happiness.” There is no more truer a statement. One of the most important lessons my mother and grandmother taught me the art of gardening and food preservation. An endeavor where you spend most of your off hours tending to your bounty during the growing months, hoping for a plentiful harvest.
It’s a lesson my wife and I are passing along to our own teenage sons. To have space to grow your own food is both a practice in self-reliance and self-love. Here you will find our experiences growing much of the food we eat. It’s part of changing your local community, one garden at a time.
We will also document our efforts to grow small specialty farming efforts to support our fermentation business. The two can and will change rural spaces. We will show how land acquisition, development and use can produce the inputs necessary to run a world class fermentation business.