I have been a hunter since I was a child. I grew up on a farm in southeast Nebraska, where the deciduous woods and rolling hills were a regular playground. My brothers and I grew to love exploring our farm, and eventually started hunting at a young age. We hunted, and ate, everything: bullfrogs, snapping turtles, deer, pheasant, quail, dove.
As I grew my interest waxed as a teen in hunting, only to wane in college, regretfully. Thankfully, my younger brother Ben took it upon himself to get me back on the hunt and back to filling my freezer with the best organic, free range protein there is: wild game.
As much as I can, I am an active predator in our food chain. Knowing how to track, hunt, kill and process protein sources is an essential life skill. I choose to be an omnivore, and I choose to know where my food comes from. My protein choices are no different.
We do what we can to to source all animal protein from farmers and ranchers in Ord and the surrounding area. There are willing producers that would rather sell their animals through local means, at a more fair price, than what the packer market will bear. Those local supply chains support more ethical farming practice, and more equitable farming opportunities. And if we work WITH our local landowners, they too support more conservation efforts to make our environment better for all.