Spring 2021.

The season of renewal is upon us. Zone 5a also means spring comes late for us in north central Nebraska. Unexpected late frosts or blizzards are common place. And despite that, the grass grows anew and early perennials poke through the ground. The migration of a vast number of birds begins, and game birds begin their spring mating rituals. Spring is quite magical on the prairie.

This spring also felt like a renewal after the year of covid. I am hopeful we are moving towards a new normal, and mindful that the future is uncertain. I remind myself that the future always is.

Lastly, this spring we’ve set in motion the pieces I hope help us build a stronger Scratchtown, redevelop stronger local supply chains, feed my family, and engage in efforts to learn more about rangeland management. The gallery you can enjoy below is sampling of it. There will be more to come as the year progresses.


More on spring.


Closer to the Sun.