Welcome to the Great Plains Omnivore.

Welcome! For whatever reason you join me here, I hope you enjoy the adventure that is the Great Plains Omnivore. Here, you will read about our efforts to build resilient companies, resilient communities, and maybe even resilient selves in rural Nebraska.

I’m writing this during the year of ‘Rona. It has been a difficult and uncertain year for us, as it has for so many others. What makes this all so much harder is the physical separation between those closest to us. We can’t commiserate like we used to, in times of joy or pain. I realize more than ever that human beings need each other. So perhaps this is an effort to make those connections when we can’t meet, and document the ways we’re building a business, hard-hit by this pandemic, into something able to withstand it. And more importantly, share those silver linings that have happened during the pandemic.

I also want a place to share the memories and experiences of growing up in rural Nebraska. Contrary to popular belief, this flyover country is a special place. There is opportunity here, and I want to record those developments as time marches on.

Many times here, you will read a simple ode to our prairie home. The Great Plains are beautiful, serene, punishing and ever changing. The creatures that live here are resilient; you have to be to live here.

Wherever this goes, these efforts have been my life’s joy. To share in these experiences with the incredible people I call family, friends and neighbors, makes it very much worth while, and I hope, a little transformative for us all. The status quo is dying with this pandemic, and we need a new way forward to grow. If we can help shape the future here in little Ord, Nebraska, perhaps we can make change elsewhere.


Closer to the Sun.


Coming soon.